An introduction of lineup from Changtai tea factory.
An introduction of lineup from Changtai tea
1) Yi Chang Hao (易昌号)
The 1st lot of tea published with
name “Yi Chang Hao” in 1999 year also the kick-off year of Changtai tea
industry and sub-branch in Yiwu town. It successfully got interests from market
soon after released. Along with aging, the taste and rich mouth feeling become
more appealing. It got a nick name “99 Yi Chang” since then and becomes a
flagship product and respected as one of the best tea during wild Yiwu tea. In
2005 year, it got double organic food certificates.
Yichanghao mainly uses wild tea lead from
Yiwu tea region. Pressed by stone mill. According to variation of tea material,
there are four levels of grade called “Ji Pin” (Premium), “Zhen Pin” (Super), “Jing
Pin” (High quality) and “Zheng Pin” (Good quality).
Individual weight includes 400g, 250g and
100g. Shape of cake, tuo and brick.
2)Chen Hong Chang (陈鸿昌, 陈弘昌)
Using pure tea materials from each famous
tea mountain. In 2000, there were YiBang, ManZhuan from the old six most famous
tea mountains. In the end of 2003, it became the order-made series of Mr. Liu
who is a business tea man. Then in 2005 year, this series was taken back by
Changtai to publish high-end tea. According to varied tea region, there are red
stamp on the wrapper to tell where the tea material is from including YiWu,
YiBang, ManZhuan, GeDeng, YouLe, MangZhi, NanNuo, BanZhang, BaDa and JingMai etc.
Like a real product dictionary, each tea tells different characters.
3) Chang Tai Hao (昌泰号)
From 2001 year, for separating tea
materials from YiChangHao and ChenHongChang series, there was the birth of “Chang
Tai Hao” using high quality tea materials but not from traditional 6 most famous
tea mountains. Then came the 1st lot of “ChangTaiHao” using wild tea
leaf from JingGu tea area with red words printed on the wrapper and it got a nick
name from market “Red ChangTaiHao”. From the next year, it had been being the
order-made series of Mr.Wang who is another business tea man and also again
taken back by Changtai. Along with time going, there were more sources of high
quality tea materials, then this series became the most abundant one including
main sub-series like Yunnan Tsitsu cake tea, Banna tsitsu cake tea and Jinggu
tsitsu cake tea.
And there was another solo brand “Yun Wu
Cha” (Cloudy & Foggy tea) using wild bush tea materials from whole Banna
tea region. It was also categorized into ChangTaiHao series in 2003 year.
The mark “Teapot” called “Cha Hu Chen” (Teapot
Chen) with a symbol of a teapot including Chinese character “陈” (Chen). It represents premium wild leaf product using tea region
as product name like “JingGu”, “Fo Hai” and “DaDiShenYun ChaPinTianXia JingMai”
“Menghai Qiao Bing” series uses high quality
wild tea materials from Menghai tea region including BanZhang, JingMai, BuLang
and NanNuo.
4) Heng Feng Yuan (恒丰源)
It used to be a name of old tea house in
JingGu tea region. In 2001 year, it was purchased by ChangTai group and used as
a processing place mainly producing tea of “ChangTaiHao” series using local high
quality tea leaf there. From 2005 year, it became a brand only used on fermented
tea and also from then on Changtai started to publish ripe tea. The tea
materials for ripe tea are mainly from Menghai tea region in BanNa area and
LinCang area. Their ripe tea is famous for
it thick tea flavor and mellow taste.
5) Si Pu Yuan (思普源)
In 2005 year, Changtai group purchased a
local tea factory with history of around 20 years in JiangCheng of SiMao city and
renamed it as “Si Pu” mainly for process high quality wild tea materials harvested
in JiangCheng tea region with brand name “Si Pu Yuan” and individual weight
from 400g, 250g to 100g and generally brick shape only. Their tea product in
2005 year are almost all order-made for YongNian tea company.
6) Lao Chen De Cha (老陈的茶)
Used for high quality tea identified by Mr.
Chen Shihuai, the Chairman of Changtai group. Product name is also the tea region.
The first product “Bu Lang” got great reputation soon after released. It is sold
by a solo agent Mr. Liu who is also a business tea man. Then came after
products like “Xiang Gu Tuo” and “Nan Nuo”.
7) Yun Pu Zhi Dian (云普之巅)
It includes raw tea using tea materials
from each famous tea mountain in Yunnan province and ripe tea using high quality
tea leaf. Raw tea contains 4 sub series of “Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, chrysanthemum”. Ripe tea
contains another 4 sub series of “Luckiness, Fortune, Longevity, Happiness”.
8) Da Di Shen Yun (大地神韵) Cha Pin Tian Xia (茶品天下)
From the beginning, DaDiShengYun became a
solo channel series of business tea man Mr. Liu. ChaPinTianXia was also a
order-made series belonging to famous tea man Mr. Shi Kunmu from Taiwan. Since it’s
unique character and great appearance, it got good reputation from market.
9) Order-Made products
Changtai published these products according
to separated order from each business tea man or channel including YongTai tea room,
WanLiXiang tea room, LianXingLong, Mr. Tai Junlin from YongNian tea company,
Mr. Luo Yingeng of HK MingXianShi tea industry and Mr. He Jingcheng from HK XiHu
tea room, Mr. Shi Kunmu from Taiwanpu Tea room, Mr. Zhong Hanrong from YongLi
tea room, ZhongCha Century, PuTian tea room. Mr Chen Zhitong from
ChenGuangHeTang. Mr. Wu Shurong from HK RongJi tea room. Mr. Chen De from HK MingXiang,
WanNianQing tea room in Malaysia. These products are also categorized by brand
like ChangTaiHao was for YongTai tea room in 2004 year. ChenHongChang for of WanLiXiang
in 2004 year. ChaPinTianXia was for Mr. Shi Kunmu. These products have different
stamps on wrapper to separate them. Also these teas have different characters on
taste to tell varied ideologies.
10) Bai Nian Chen Cang (百年陈仓)
Initiated in 2005 year for satisfying varied
requests from market, there are specialists collected aged high quality tea
products from HK, Taiwan, Guangdong and other collectors and repackage that
according to production region, taste, age to let more consumers know the
essence of aging on puerh tea. “Wei Rong Hao” is a brand started by famous old
tea man Mr. Wu Shurong from HK RongJi tea room and VP of Changtai group Mr.
Chen Wei. This brand contains tea shape like cake, brick, tuo and loose leaf
tea. These aged teas have lost much bitterness and astringency. Turned to
mellow, sweet, elegant and thick on taste. Years are from 5 year, 8 year, 10
year to 70 years. According to varied tastes, there are 4 product names of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise.
11) Others
QianJiaFeng – JingGu tea region (originally
called JinZhuShan QianJiaZhai) initiated from 2001 year. In 2004 year, it was
renamed as QianJiaFeng- YiWuZhengPin with stamp of YiWuZhengPin using wild bush
tea leaf from Yiwu tea region.
ChaZhongYuanCha was initiated in 2002 year
using wild tea materials from Menghai tea region and Yiwu tea region.
ChaZhongWangCha was initiated in 2004 year using
wild arbor tree leaf from JingGu high mountain.
MengHaiChaZhuang from 2005 year using blend
tea materials from Menghai tea region and Lincang tea region.
JiNianCha using high quality tea materials
from NanNuo mountain and YiWu tea region.
12) AoRanDuLi (傲然独立)
A brand from 2005 year using high quality
tea materials from whole Yunnan tea region.
(translated from