10 years later iPhone evolves to iPhoneX, puerh tea is also evolving to a higher price.
2007 year. When 1st Gen. iPhone was released, the price was $499.
1 year later...
2008 year. ChenShengHao's 1st Gen. LaoBanZhang puerh tea sheng cha 357g was released in China. The price was only $49. (USD 1= RMB 8)
10 years later...
2017 year, iPhoneX was released 1 day ago. The price is $999.
At the same time. ChenShengHao's 1st Gen. LaoBanZhang puerh tea sheng cha 357g goes to the highest price till now, $2319 (USD 1= RMB 6.47 )
Okay. I love iPhone and tea. Don't misunderstand me.